In order to increase access to all Tennessee producers, this virtual library hosts recorded video presentations by our experts on many topics pertaining to row crop production. Master Row Crop credit hours have been assigned to each video. Please use the dropdown boxes below to search for presentations by Master Row Crop topic areas and sub-topic areas. Participants must watch the selected video(s) and take the appropriate quiz(zes) to receive Master Row Crop credit. Additional videos will be added on an ongoing basis as they are developed.
Topic: Soil and Water Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Cover Crops
Topic: Soil and Water Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Cover Crops, Soil Fertility
Topic: Farm and Financial Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Topic: Farm and Financial Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Topic: Farm and Financial Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Production Economics
Topic: Soil and Water Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Cover Crops, No-Till Management, Soil Health
Topic: Soil and Water Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Irrigation and Drainage
Topic: Soil and Water Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Cover Crops
Topic: Sustainability (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Current Issues, Sustainability Programs
Topic: Crop Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Corn Production, Disease Management
Topic: Crop Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Cotton Production, Disease Management
Topic: Farm and Financial Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Topic: Crop Management (1 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Disease Management
Topic: Crop Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Soybean Production
Topic: Crop Management (1 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Soybean Production
Topic: Crop Management (1 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Disease Management
Topic: Crop Management (1 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Corn Production, Cotton Production, Disease Management, Insect Management, Soybean Production, Weed Management, Wheat and Small Grain Production
Topic: Equipment and Technologies (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Grain Drying, Handling, and Storage
Topic: Crop Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Cotton Production
Topic: Crop Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Corn Production, Disease Management
Topic: Soil and Water Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Cover Crops, No-Till Management, Irrigation and Drainage
Topic: Crop Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Cotton Production, Insect Management
Topic: Crop Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Corn Production, Insect Management
Topic: Soil and Water Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Irrigation and Drainage
Topic: Equipment and Technologies (1 Credit hours)
Topic: Crop Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Disease Management
Topic: Farm and Financial Management (1 Credit hours)
Topic: Crop Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Corn Production
Topic: Soil and Water Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Soil Fertility, Soil Health, No-Till Management
Topic: Crop Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Soybean Production, Weed Management
Topic: Soil and Water Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: No-Till Management
Topic: Equipment and Technologies (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Precision Ag Technologies
Topic: Soil and Water Management (1 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Soil Fertility
Topic: Equipment and Technologies (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Planters
Topic: Soil and Water Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Soil Fertility, Soil Health, No-Till Management
Topic: Crop Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Soybean Production, Disease Management
Topic: Crop Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Soybean Production
Topic: Equipment and Technologies (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Grain Drying, Handling, and Storage
Topic: Sustainability (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Current Issues
Topic: Crop Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Cotton Production
Topic: Farm and Financial Management (1 Credit hours)
Topic: Equipment and Technologies (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Planters
Topic: Soil and Water Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Soil Fertility, Soil Health, No-Till Management
Topic: Sustainability (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Sustainability Programs
Topic: Farm and Financial Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Production Economics
Topic: Crop Management (0.5 Credit hours)
Sub-Topics: Corn Production, Weed Management